
SnapJag Creative Designs is what we work on day-in and day-out. We have appreciated everyones support, donations (any amount is accepted), and purchases to help further the effort.

We have put up some new photos, they have been very successful and have had a large response. Check out the portfolio at If you want to check out our services (photo and computer technology), go here

Gunnison Valley in Utah

Gunnison Valley in Utah

The SnapJag philosophy is to “pay it forward”. That is, to help budding photographers, computer gurus, and the like to know more about their professions. There are a so many opportunities that have been given to us that we feel it extremely important to help other people to learn about their professions. It’s the thought about learning so many things and not sharing with others and the possibility that the information is lost forever. Think of the Egyptions that learned some of the greatest medical skills and they are lost because of the lack of sharing the information.

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